Countdown has begun!

Amy • Mom of three beautiful girls

I’m not technically due until August 23rd. I’ve been in latent labor for 2.5 weeks now and terribly miserable. This is baby number 3 and she is definitely making me work very hard for her. I was hopeful for a VBAC and still am. Although, my doctor said if I don’t go into natural labor before Thursday then she wants to do a scheduled csection. She doesn’t want to even consider inducing due to “potential” rupture since it would be much harder on my body. My second baby was an emergency csection (she was breech and chord wrapped around her neck). It was very scary experience so I’m nervous heading into next week! I really hope labor will progress naturally this weekend and we can meet our little one soon! Otherwise, I will have to put on a brave face and do what is best for both of us next week! How was your experience with a scheduled csection??