I was scheduled for C-section last August 2, 2019 due to diabetis and his on breach position

I was scheduled for C-section last August 2, 2019 due to diabetis and his on breach position. They offer me to turn him head down but with a 50% chance successful rate. So I decided just go for the actual plan which is C-section. And I also told that maybe he didn’t turn for a reason and I don’t want to risk anymore cause I’m afraid that what if something goes wrong while they trying to turn him head down. I know Vaginal birth is more convenient than C-section but risking my baby with just 50% chance that he will turn head down was not a good idea to start with. C-section delivery was a success no complications, no birth defects or anything like they always fear cause we declined to check him to any chromosomal test. We told them that we will accept our baby as he is so we don’t need that test. Being at high risked pregnancy is no fun especially if it’s your first baby. Right now we are over the moon and so in-love with him cause his so adorable and handsome. And we are very thankful to God for blessing us with a baby.