Why does sex hurt? 😭

I'm 20 weeks pregnant, and we used to have sex every 2 or 3 days before I got pregnant. Now it's like 7 to 9 days. I need some advice because my sex drive hasnt lowered, but sex hurts. I constantly feel like I'm sore and I dont think I've had an orgasm since I've been pregnant. Everything feels sore like it's my first time. I've tried using lube, foreplay, and he's not rough. But not only is it so uncomfortable down there for me, but I also can't even get turned on because of it. It's like the whole time were having sex I'm thinking "I hope this ends soon." And I HATE that! Why does everything hurt? It's not like cramping which is what I would expect, it's just sore. I should also mention I'm 20 weeks but I dont even look pregnant yet. I have no bump and I've lost weight, so it's not like my size makes it uncomfortable. I just hate this because it stresses me out and I want GOOD sex. Am I crazy? Has anyone else experienced this? Is there some way I can help it? I dont want to go another 4 months and then 2 months PP without having any good fun time.😕