Offered induction due to large Baby 👶🏼

Abbey.... ❤️ Penelope + Baby Bump ❤️

So basically ladies I had a sizing scan done yesterday at 28+3 due to my re-occurrent miscarriage rate. Turns out the baby is measuring large at 3lbs... the doctor said if she carries on at the expected healthy rate then I’m looking at a baby of over 9.5lbs at 40 weeks. She advised strongly against going past that point because of my size and risk of shoulder dystocia so they have offered me an induction from 37 weeks.

I want to try and give my baby a chance to come naturally so I’m thinking 39 weeks induction? Plus I’m aware induction doesn’t always play ball and a c section is sometimes the last resort!!

Please can I have your advice ladies or experiences with big babies 👶🏼