I might have "activated labor"

Alexsa - 💍‘16– 👨‍👩‍👧 ‘17– 🤰’19 ❤️

I'm one of those that is a firm believer that there isn't much you can do to bring on labor yourself If your body/baby isn't ready. I do, however, believe that you can do tons of things to prep your body for the best delivery possible.

So, I gave in and tried the "activate labor" video, but only because I figured I would be able to work my way up to doing full sets of the exercises and just be in better condition for labor once it eventually started.

I did the video as is at 1030 last night.

After cursing at how stupid hard "heel squats" are at this point and a ton of farts 😂 I slapped on my Bloomlife monitor and called it a night.

It's now 230 and I woke up because my Braxton Hicks started feeling like RLS with every contraction and I couldn't stop tossing and turning. I've had the Braxton Hicks for months and have gotten really used to them, but RLS hasn't been accompanying them.

I looked at my timer and I've had a Rediculous amount of contractions or at least pressure in comparison to other nights this week and baby has been really, really active.

So, now I'm awake actually timing my contractions and seeing if they get more painful, but I'm certainly nauseous , have gone to the bathroom for a BM, and lost a big clear chunk of my mucous plug.

I'm 37w5d. At my last appointment I was 2cm, 70% effaced, and -1 station.

All that to Really say..... Wtf sorcery is that video?? 😂 I feel like this is how "The Ring" started off with how much it has been going around and now my baby is trying to crawl Out of my Vagina like the freaking girl.