My sister is racist...


I just learned that my only sibling, my older sister is racist. I suspect my parents are too but their too shy to be open about it. Anyway. My sister was going on and on today about how black people are discriminated against because of “how they’ve always behaved” that they “always play the race card”, “there’s too many Muslims in Congress”, and on and in. I teach high school history/geography/civics in both USA and Australia so I’m pretty educated on the subject and also pretty open to alternative ideas but...she’s just racist and ignorant. I can’t excuse it. I’m an immigrant, and my husband is the son of Greek immigrants in Australia. He’s dark, English is his second language, etc. So I just can’t deal with her beliefs. Idk what to do. There’s no arguing with her, she’s too ignorant and I love my nephew and(soon to be born) niece, so I’m torn. Any advice?!?!