Period, please help!!!!!!!!!


This is as of yesterday

I'm almost 19 and getting married in 3 months, I was honestly afraid I was pregnant as I was noticing I was super hormonal and I dont get hormonal until my period which is very unpredictable, I was having cramps, headaches, nausea which is normal for me and my back was hurting pretty bad. My period has NEVER been early in the history of the 6 years I've had it, I've always had issues where it was a week to 3 months late very rarely having them on time. My last one was a week late. Today I woke up to what I though was implantation bleeding, it was light blood only when I wiped. However, it steady increased during the day, which like I said it wasnt due until tomorrow and I have a longer cycle as well so it was about a week or so early and it got a decent amount of blood and I normally have a lot of blood clots but there is absolutely nothing. My fiance and I were in Walmart and I started having hot flashes, which I've never had before, and I got bloated and had really bad cramps and bad upper and lower back pain, and a headache that I havent been able to get rid of all day. I took 4 Ibuprofen this morning and it didnt do anything. I dont know what's going on though first of all, I've never been early it's a medium to heavy flow so I think that rules out pregnancy and I've never NOT had blood clots with my period?!?!?!?!

UPDATE: This morning my period went from medium to heavy yesterday to light thisor morning