Help!! Spotting off and on for like a month!


Hi! So I’m 21 years old and healthy.. sexually active but we use condoms religiously so very very VERY low chance I am pregnant. This month instead of a period I spotted for like 16 days a brownish/red, it went away for 10 days, and it came back completely brown and I’m now on day 6. No other symptoms. No pain or anything. I did start a new job in the beginning of the month right around when it started, so I’m wondering if stress or lifestyle changes can ever cause these issues? I also started taking Raspberry Leaf last week to try and regulate so maybe it’s just throwing things more out of whack? OBGYN has my appointment like next month so until then I’m just trying to debunk. Most people have said that because I’m not bleeding bright red or super heavy, it’s nothing serious.