I feel so different


I’m pregnant with my third. My first two pregnancies seemed to be so different in the beginning.

With both of my sons I was puking a lot before I found out I was pregnant. Each time I had thought it was a stomach bug, then I missed my period. I found out around 9-10 weeks with my oldest (I had mistaken my implantation bleeding with a really light period). & I found out at 5 weeks with my youngest. And I had terrible sickness literally the whole first trimester. So bad I lost weight and then had to take nausea meds so I could stop puking and gain back the weight I had lost.

With this pregnancy I just get occasionally nauseous and have only puked twice.

It’s just so strange to me 😂 it’s like I’m waiting to be puking my guts up to actually have reality set in lol.