EDIT I did it 😌

I have been trying for three days to get this damn tragus stud out of my ear. It is almost 6 months and has been fully healed for a while (as far as I know I have had 0 problems after getting it re-pierced) I'm more than ready to change it but the spike refuses to come off. I have tried gloves, tweezers, etc but still nothing.

I'm not sure if it is internally threaded or not my piercer did not tell me. I'm pretty sure the red around my piercing is scar tissue from the first time I got it done or from me messing with it an possibly scratching it with my nail.


I'm kind of panicking because it started bleeding after I got it out and tried to out my new jewelry in. I could not for the life of me get it in through the back so I took the original jewelry and put it through forward so it wouldn't close. What do I do?

Another edit:

I am SO happy j finally got it and changed all my jewelry to match. If this same situation happens to anyone I got it through by threading from the back to the front. Best of luck🤧