Scoliosis & pregnancy

Jenn • Nov’19 baby on the way🤰🏻💗

So since I was a pre teen I found out I had just a mild case of scoliosis, my height helps since I’m 5 flat. I’m currently 25w and my back aches are horrible everyday but I pull through, it’s so tiring every night struggling to find a position to sleep where my back doesn’t hurt as much. I was hoping to hear experiences from mommas that have gone through pregnancy w scoliosis whether it’s been a severe or mild case of it, & how did you go through labor w such said condition? I keep thinking that due to my scoliosis I’m gonna end up asking for the epidural but I would want to try without it. Thank you in advance (:

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Girl I feel you! I have scoliosis as well and I started having issues around 8 weeks and I’m only 16 weeks now. I have the hardest time finding a comfortable position, I wind up shoving a bunch of blankets behind my back and head for support. But I still wake up having terrible back pains. I’m here for the advice as well!


Jenn • Aug 12, 2019
Exactly that is what my mom told me, a pinched sciatic nerve, it makes me want to CRY, I’ve been wanting to go to a chiropractor specializes in prenatal care to see what they can do to help, but I haven’t had the money for it, I’m 25w and my dr told me to wait till I was at least 20w, but I haven’t been able to, during the first trimester would honestly helped was smoking thc carts, I would sleep through the whole night feeling relaxed and wouldn’t wake up once in the night or even struggled in sleeping but I stopped smoking since I would only do it to help my nausea and appetite, so far haven’t found anything to help :/ but same to you! hope you find something as well girl


Brittany • Aug 12, 2019
Ugh that’s terrible, makes me even more nervous cause mine is pretty bad. My back pain before pregnancy could get quite unbearable and I’m sure it’s only gonna get worse. I also have a pinched sciatic nerve. Hope you find relief and if you do, please let me know! Lol


Jenn • Aug 12, 2019
Like it’s a slight curve but it’s still a pain the ass honestly, my lower back pain is unbearable at times and sometimes when I lay down I can’t even move or turn around bc I feel like my back locks or something I need help always from my husband to help me lift up, or get up in the middle of the night for the restroom. Like my back pains before pregnancy were painful as it was and now it’s HORRIBLE, this boob weight and belly weight are killing me 🥺


Posted at
My doctor told me to take Benedryl or Unisom. I have a mild case and feel like I get a total of 4 hours a night. I toss and turn all night long. Tonight will be my first night on Unisom.


Cal • Aug 12, 2019
The Tylenol does nothing for me really. I take it when I have a migraine just to take the edge off. Unisom isn’t a pain killer nor is the benedryl. My doctor also said if I am still having trouble sleeping in my 3rd tri she would give me ambien. Said it’s allowed and most all of her pregnant moms are on it.


Jenn • Aug 12, 2019
He told me to take Tylenol but ah I don’t want to stuck on pain killers, bc it’s an everyday every night kind of pain 😖