Venting third pregnancy


Ugh I need to vent. I am pregnant with my 3rd (13 weeks) overall it’s been a better pregnancy than my last two. I had extreme morning sickness with both. Fast forward to this pregnancy. I’ve thrown up a few times & have a few spirts of nausea. But over all it’s been a little better except these past 3-4 weeks. My allergies have been so bad. Itchy swollen throat. Itching watery eyes to the point they barely open. Yeast infections. Round ligament pain. OMG my doctor didn’t lie she said the more pregnancy the worst they are. But labor gets faster but holy sh*t I am so over it. I planned this baby and I’m SUPER excited. Just so frustrated. & not to mention I have over active thyroid. They put me on PTU well it tastes like total sh*t & makes me throw it back up. & makes my pee smell so bad. Uuuggghhhhh. That is all. Thanks for listening.

Any of you ladies have any allergy solutions that really help?

Claritin barely works. I need 2

Benedryl works if I take two but so sleepy

Zyrtec, Allegra doesn’t work at all.

I’ve been begging my doc for an allergy shot. I’m literally suffering. 😩