Do I have endo?


This may be a little long so I’m sorry in advance.

I started my period when I was 11 and I only remember being super sick and in pain when I started. After that I would have a regular period every month and cramps but it would seem like they over the years. A couple years after I started my period, my periods stopped being consistent. First it was just late and then some months I wouldn’t get one at all. Now I can go one or two months without one before I actually get my period.

Also, my cramps took a turn for the worst. Instead of being something I could just get over, they got to the point where now sometimes If I’m at school I have to be sent home because I feel like I was stabbed or something. I’ll start throwing up at least three times and I can’t walk. Sometimes I’ve fallen on the floor because they’ve gotten so bad or I had to just pray (which if I’m completely honest I don’t do very often.) I’ve always had back pain and I can’t stand up for too long (this might be due to my scoliosis as well) but I also have pain constantly throughout my body. At this point I have no clue what to do.

I’m 15 now and I’ve talked to my regular doctor about it but she just gave me some generic pain killers that take literally hours to work. My mom wants me to go to a gyno but I’m a little scared since I’ve never been to one.

If anyone can give me any advice on their experience that would be helpful!

*Edit* Thank you all so much for your advice. It has helped me tremendously to figure out what is going on with me lol. My mom is finally setting her foot down and taking me to the gyno. My school year is about to start so it’ll make it a little difficult to set an appointment up but in general I’m just happy that it is happening. Thank you.