Induction today!!!

Madison • Married to my best friend! Mommy to Tommy and Beatrice ❤️

Ahhhh!! Me and my husband are only telling immediate family so I had to shout it from the roof top somewhere!! I’m so excited!

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Good luck! I’ll pray for a smooth and safe delivery for you! 😊


Madison • Aug 13, 2019
I am 40 weeks today! So I hope it goes that smooth! I go in tonight at 7pm to start Cervidil! Thank you for saying I can ask you anything!


Rachelle • Aug 13, 2019
Boys are so much fun! I was induced with my second at 40 weeks, it went really well and I had him within 15 hours. If you have any questions or anything, please ask! It can be scary and so exciting at the same time!


Madison • Aug 13, 2019
Thank you! That means a lot! I’m going to be a Boy Mom too!!! ❤️❤️❤️