Help internal anxiety meltdown.

Kayleigh-Marie 🇬🇧 • 08/18👼💚•09/19👼💚•03/05/20👼❤

I was ttc with my partner for basically 2 years, the month I fell pregnant I had said was our last try for a bit then 1st August 2018 I got my bfp.

We were over the moon told everybody made so many rookie mistakes. Then I bled heavily for 10 days straight, I wish I had gone back to the epu before the ultrasound. By the time we went there was no sign of a viable pregnancy left.

It's taken me a while to Heal. So last month we finally had the chat again and we both felt ready for it. So fast forward to now and my period is 3 days late and I am getting faint lines but I don't know whether to get excited. I'm afraid to miscarry I'm afraid to get my period. I'm just afraid of everything. I don't want this to not be it.

Bearing in mind I've taken my fair share of pregnancy tests and I have NEVER had a false positive or a little line peak though and then got my period. I'd understand a shadow or dye run or indent on 1 test but all four?

The blue dyes are bog standard Tesco brand and the pink dyes are clear and simple but they need more hcg as it's 7 days late+