Fetal movement scare


21+2 weeks and yesterday baby was very quiet. Usually he rolls and kicks in the morning before I get up and is active later when I lie down at the end of the day. Yesterday I only felt him 1x in the afternoon before I took a nap, then again around 10pm. It was unusual, but I was pretty busy yesterday so I assumed I wasnt paying attention. This morning, however, I did not feel him at all in the morning, couldnt get him to move by drinking ice water, eating, having a cup of OJ or coffee. So about an hour into work today and still feeling nothing in over 12 hours, I called the Drs office. They seemed concerned that nothing I had done got him to wake up so they sent me to L&D. I was terrified and fighting back tears. It took them a really long time to find his heartbeat. Luckily, they did and monitored him for about an hour, all is good and we have a check up tomorrow. If you feel like something is off, do not hesitate. Its better to be there and be sure rather than to ignore it and have something actually be wrong. Trust your instincts. ♡