Help!😣Spotting and Pain.. UPDATED

India • 👼🏻👼🏻🌈👼🏻👼🏻

This is my 4th pregnancy(first 2 were early miscarriages and my rainbow baby is 7 months old). I've had a tiny bit if spotting on and off for almost two weeks which has got more the last few days. I've also had cramping that has got a lot worse the last few days to the point that it feels like early contractions.

I have a scan booked on Thursday but I just wanted to ask... Has anyone had continuous spotting with bad pains and it turned out okay? (8 weeks 2 days)


The pain got a lot worse and I even had clots so we were expecting the worst... But up popped a wriggly baby with a strong heartbeat😭😭 They couldn't find any reason for the pain or blood!!

It was such an emotional scan! ❤️