Trigger warning prayers needed



I think I'm mc'ing again. I'm terrified and sad and numb. I dont see my dr until Friday and theres nothing that can be done if I am anyway. I cant do this. It's so draining mentally. I have a bad feeling I'm going to be leaving this group sooner than expected. Please pray for my baby and family.

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Thank you ladies for all your positivity and kind words. I unfortunately did loose baby yesterday and ended up in the er due to the bleeding. This was #2 and according to sneakpeek was a girl. I'm devastated and numb and dont know how ladies and families go through this multiple times. I so badly yearn for a second baby but am so jaded and terrified of the emotional pain of another loss it terrify me to even think about being pregnant again in the future. I appreciate I can come here and get advice from others who have been in my shoes. So thank you again!


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I have had twice so far a lot of blood, cramps that hurt like a mf, and at this point everything is still on my baby has a strong heartbeat and keeps growing... I’m in bed rest with progesterone supplements of course but my baby is growing. I know how scary it can be, because I have had 3 miscarriages in the past. Try to rest and stay calm❤️


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Why do you think your Miscarrying? I hope you are not. If you are able to take a day and relax you should! Sending good thoughts your way!


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Sending all my love. Stay rested. Lots of women have lost clots that the uterus is trying to get rid of as it grows, that produce lots of scary looking blood. If that’s the case, you’ll need to minimize lifting and stretching. Try and keep focused and look after your body. It’s not good to be naive about what the outcome could be either, but try and keep balanced until your Dr is able to take a look. Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for good news on Friday. I know your pain, and no one should have to experience that. The only silver lining is that you know you can get through it. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️


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Praying for y’all


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I’m so sorry, and I’m hoping for the best for you ❤️