Not going well 😔


I woke up yesterday bleeding. We went directly to the ER and the doctor was hopeful that all was well, but still ran a few tests. It turns out my hormone levels don't match my ultrasound scans. He assured me that it's a possibility that it could turn out to be a normal pregnancy, but all the odds at play were currently stacked against us. All I can do now is wait. I can get my hormones tested again tomorrow to see how they're doing, but until then I'm just trying so hard not to be completely crushed. It took us SO LONG to get that BFP that we weren't even trying anymore and were beginning to talk about adoption. I've been so wrapped up in the hope that I'd actually get the opportunity to be pregnant and have a baby of our own that I forgot reality has to step in and screw everything up eventually. Has anyone here ever had this issue and went on to have a normal pregnancy? I don't know what to do at this point. I just want to throw up and cry 😭🤢