Rant: Doctor must think I am an unfit mother


So we just left our 4 month appointment (he is actually 4.5 months). We had to see a different doctor at the same practice due to insurance issues.

She said first of all that since I obviously never let him see the sun, he needs to start Vitamin D drops. I am not opposed to drops but explained that in fact he is in the sun more than many his age... can't you see his slight tan? Then she said it was time to ween him at night... I am not completely opposed to that either, though if he still needs one meal I am happy to BF him (currently he wakes every 3-4.5 hours). She said that to do this I have to start him on rice cereal. I told her rice cereal is not in our plans as I want to do BLW with him when he is ready. She said he is ready. I asked her doesn't the WHO suggest waiting until 6 months? She said "Well not for rice cereal." Obviously not understanding what Baby Led Weaning is. I told her we are going to wait to introduce foods until 6 months and then it will be strips of real food. She said he won't be ready for that until at least 9-10 months and that by not feeding him rice cereal starting at four months, I am not giving him the calories he needs during the day to sleep through the night so my other option is to let him cry it out. This irks me, as it makes it sound as if I am withholding from him and purposefully not meeting his needs. He is EBF and I am an overproducer so I know he has plenty of milk. He is in the 95th percentile for height and 63rd for weight. Obviously I am feeding him. I told her that since I am not doing CIO and will be following Takingcarababies at 5 months I will worry about making necessary changes to his diet and sleep schedule at that time. She told me she has never heard of Takingcarababies and that I have already waited too long- he has been ready for a while.

I am annoyed at the whole interaction. I am confident in my choices for our son. And I am sure of his health and wellness. In part because I have spent the last 15 years as a nanny. If I was a new mom with no childcare experience, or unsure of myself, I would have been bulldozed into following a plan I don't like because a doctor told me she knew better. How frustrating. So glad our normal doctor offers guidance and advice to assist us down our own path.