Help please

Okay I have so many thoughts and I am trying to put it all into a post and the right group...

I am 2.5 years into a relationship, we have a 4 month old baby boy (yes I know it was rushed but I chose to have him and I don’t regret it). I am EXTREMELY unhappy with this man. He’s mentally abusive, he’s mean, he makes fun of me, and in return I don’t want to be around him ever. I don’t want to spend any time with him and that makes him worse. He tells me I don’t deserve to have a relationship because I don’t “give my man attention” but when I’m with him, it’s a living nightmare. I don’t want to be with him anymore but I am scared :( we live together and we have our son together. I feel like I’ve made a huge mistake by staying with him and I don’t know what to do. He’s really mean to my daughter and any time I do things for her, he gets mad at me. My entire pregnancy was a crying mess because he trashed me every day for not doing as much as I used to around the house because I was always tired and sick. I have recordings of him being violent and saying unimaginable things to me while I was pregnant, he’s kicked me out a few times, he’s broken up with me a ton of times to the point where I don’t even get upset anymore. I just take what I need and go to my moms until he asks when I’m coming back the next day. This is torture. The only times he is nice to me if if he is drunk or high. What do I do? :( I’m crying as I write this. Please help me. I miss my ex because at least he comforted me when I cried. If I cry in front of my boyfriend now, he will tell me it’s “crocodile tears” and “it doesn’t work on me anymore” I cry all the time. He’s violent, mean, and mentally unstable I don’t want my precious son around him at all. God please help me. I am ashamed so I am posting anonymous. Thank you beautiful ladies in advance.

Edit: I forgot the most recent reason we are fighting is because he was drinking while we were at my beach house and private beach so he was being nice to me. I took a video of us walking on the beach and posted it to his Snapchat with his permission. Out of habit, I went to his chat page where he has all the people he talked to because it’s what I do on mine. I saw a girl icon but a mans name. I asked him about it he got super defensive and told me I was being crazy, he did that a long time ago and I’m over reacting. He trashed me a bunch when we got back to our beach chairs and he said that “you can have guys send you pics of themselves but I can’t have something from years ago in my phone?” When we first started dating, maybe a month in, I got a Snapchat from my friend. However, I did not know until HE TOLD ME I GOT IT. He hacked into my apps and the one time I get a picture from anyone it has to be from an old guy friend. He hacked all my apps and he did that recently too again. Of course everything was turned on me. I’m so lost and upset.