Not quite sure im either 5dpo or 7dpo, two diff apps saying two diff things


I use glow and fertility friend.

Fertility friend is saying i am 7dpi ans glow is saying i am 5dpo. Obviously the FF is based on bbt and glow is based on my opks and the last menstrual cycle.

Anyways, i tested this morning because i really couldn't hold it off although i said i wouldn't and it was a BFN. I know its too early to detect anything anyways.

Past three days ive been so emotional. I end up crying and I've also been having heartburns. I never suffer from heart burns. I also feel slightly bloated. I have also suffered from random headaches. (Today i don't have any headaches) but i am dying to sleep. Keep falling asleep at work. Im slightly confused obviously from the BFN and im planning to wait it out but im struggling so much. How long do you guys think I should to retest?

Many thanks