Worried but trying to be hopeful

MommaOf1👧🏻 • 👧🏼 1-1-17💜💕 👼🏻

So I’m 3weeks and 4 days pregnant. My first appointment is September 9th for a confirmation and ultrasound. My expected period is on Sunday so I’m 3 days. I got my positive on August 4th. For about 2 weeks now I’ve been having brown spotting periodically not all the time but at least once a day. Well today at work in went to the bathroom and had some pinkish spotting more on the pink than like a bright red that you’d see on a period. I’ve never spotted before having a period. And with my last 2 pregnancies I never spotted before finding out. I wish I took a picture because it really wasn’t a lot and I didn’t see it again just that one time. My last pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage so I had no bleeding. Didn’t bleed at all during my first pregnancy. My stupid midwife won’t see me at all till I’m 8 weeks which is when my appointment is. They won’t even do a simple blood test to make sure my levels are rising okay. I’m hoping that everything is okay and I’m just paranoid because I don’t wanna lose another baby. If I see spotting get heavier I’ll definitely go to the ER but as of now I haven’t seen it again and it was only when I wiped. Prayers for our little rainbow and hoping little bean sticks 😢. Idk if I can mentally handle losing another one.