Sex and periods (???)

Ok I didn’t even know what to title this but it’s whatever so here I go....

Question: Can frequent sex change your periods intensity?

Maybe this was a question they answered for me in 8th grade health class but did I ever pay attention? No. My boyfriend and I, who just started living with each other after two years in a long distance relationship have been having CONSTANT sex. I mean, who wouldn’t after not seeing your significant other in over 7 months? And we’re not talking once a week but like 5 out of 7 days, and that’s if we DON’T run out of condoms. Nonetheless, my period has started, and what is usually a traumatic, pain filled and bloody week for me has started light. I’m scared. I’m not new to irregular periods at all but this one started late (1) and is relatively light on day one (2) which is very weird for me. I’ve already sort of ruled out pregnancy since I am finding clots in what blood I have but I need some further reassurance definitely. Help please!!