Anyone else still doing tests even though they got their first bfp over a week ago! It still doesn't seem real to me!!!

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I think I'm the only one who isn't! I just got my BFP 2 days ago (13 dpo), it was only the 2nd and last time I tested (first was negative at 9 dpo). I'm so scared of seeing if the line goes faint or is a negative again, which is why I'm not testing. With my first baby, I tested every day for a week after I got my bfp. I'm so scared of miscarrying now, I just don't want to test and get scared of seeing the line go fainter. 😬


Lucy • Aug 16, 2019
I know what your saying. Tbh apart of me feels the same way. I'm nervous about three line being fainter than it is now. X


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Yes girl. This was me with my first child. I probably took 10-15 altogether lol


Lucy • Aug 16, 2019
I've done ten so far!!! Lmao! X