Alright ladies, I need help and or advice


I am due with my second baby in four days. On Wednesday, I got a membrane sweep and a few hours later started losing my mucus plug. Around 3am Thursday morning I lost a big chunk of it and was even cramping consistently so I brought this could be it! Well, nope. All stopped around 5am. Then, during yesterday day, I was still losing prices here and there and even started to bleed a tiny bit. Now, absolutely NOTHING is happening! No discharge. No blood. No more mucus plug. No cramping. Nothing. WHAT is going on and why does my daughter think it’s hilarious to trick me 😩😭 I am going crazy here. I would not be THIS antsy if she didn’t show me such huge signs and then stop them all together. What else can I do to get here out. Today is literally a perfect day to have her and I know I’m on her schedule but if there is anything I can try, please let me know. I’ve been on the yoga ball SO much, I’ve tried the raspberry tea. I can try more sex when my husband gets home but what else? 😩