Freaking out

Kedra • I have two sons, a 9 year old and 6 year old. Also had a premature birth November 27th 2016 at 23 weeks, unfortunately he wasn't considered viable and we lost him. Had our rainbow baby girl in October 2019.👦🧒👼👶

Today I have felt off. The baby hasnt been as active as she normally is and I took my blood pressure and its really high. I called my doctor office and left a message. My mom is on her way here but then has to go pick up my kids and my husband boss wont let him leave so I have to drive myself to the damn hospital when ever the doctor decides to call back. If he hasnt called by the time my mom gets here I'm just going to the hospital. I'm so nervous. My last pregnancy my water broke at 20 weeks and I delivered him at 23 weeks and he didnt make it. I really hope my baby girl is ok