Painful Sex/Orgasm


So 8 months ago, I started having pain when orgasming. It was a sharp pain in my left labia and it was consistent. Doctors basically said it was probably a sore muscle (what????) because I was also having pain down my left leg. They prescribed me painkillers and a muscle relaxer and said it would get better. Three months later, and I’m still in pain, sex has become torturous because even getting turned on causes that shooting pain. Kissing my boyfriend of 3 years physically hurt. The doctors called this pudental neuralgia and basically said unknown causes, some things may help, no real solution. Around Christmas, my back started hurting to the point where I couldn’t sit. So I go to the chiropractor for my back, he pops my lower back into place, and I go three times that week. Lo and Behold, I could orgasm without pain again and my back was pinching my pudental nerve. February comes around, and I start having painful sex with penetration, it lasts until May and I finally go to the doctor. It hurts about an inch into my vagina in a ring, and it feels unnecessarily tight. I was told that this was Vaginismus, which sometimes occurs after painful sexual experiences. This didn’t quite make sense to me considering that I am in a very open and loving relationship and my S/O always makes sure I’m comfortable. The doctor prescribes me a NUMBING CREAM, so that I can’t feel the pain and says that there was no rush to stop using it. But sex was tearing my vagina because it was clenched so tight, and even a finger inserted was painful. I was prescribed estrogen cream for the tears and more numbing cream. My S/O was so upset, said that we weren’t going to have sex until it was comfortable for both of us, and that he wasn’t going to numb me for his own sexual pleasure when it was still hurting my body. Vaginismus is an involuntary contracting of the vaginal sphincter, and I just kept trying to figure things out of my own, my best guess, the problem in my back moved locations and instead of pinching the pudental nerve in my lab is, it’s pinching the one contracting the vaginal sphincter. Went to the chiropractor, after one adjustment I could handle a finger without pain. The second adjustment set me back into pain again, but I see hope and will update! I just wanted to let you ladies know, science does not focus on the female body, but the male. Doctors diagnose women with these conditions and say that they are incurable but it’s really because they don’t understand them and studies have not been done. It’s definitely not fair to hand a woman numbing cream so she can tolerate sex and not enjoy it. It’s still good to go to the doctor, but also don’t lose hope and keep searching for your own answers! Was wondering if any other ladies had a similar experience?