The wait!!!!!!! Ugh!!!

So we tried for a long time to get pregnant. Did <a href="">IUI</a> and that 2ww was unreal. Found out we were pregnant and are over the moon!!!! Well we found out our insurance covers the nipt test. So as you can imagine I’m like

Well... we live in a small town and it’s pretty lazy, you get what you get. Now don’t get me wrong I love small town living but sometimes it’s really hard and you just feel

So now back story. Last week I called and told them our insurance covers the test so they said perfect come Monday morning at 830! And I’m like eeekkkkk perfect!!! Well I go in and after two people butted in line and the receptionist was on the phone for a half hour I finally got up and they just told me to walk back 🙄

Get back there and she goes ohh shoot! We don’t have the tubes and they have to be a specific kind!! And I’m like ugh okay?? She said we should get our shipment in later today! I’m like take a deep breath... (pregnancy hormones....) I cry over everything...... so anyway I’m almost in tears and tell myself I’ll just come back later. Well no call....... so I’m

Well Tuesday rolls around still no call. So I call them.. no shipment in... and again I’m like

WEDNESDAY rolls around and they call me late afternoon and say they got the tubes in.... and I’m excited and frustrated at this point .... now it doesn’t sound like a big deal but tell that to a very emotional pregnant bitch. 🤷‍♀️ I guess the reason I’m upset is because they told me to come in. If they didn’t have them why wouldn’t they say we will call you when they get in. So I didn’t have my hopes up. Anyway the reason this is a big deal is because if we took it Monday we would have had the results. And we had this big thing planned to announce tomorrow the gender so that’s why I’m most upset. But Any way, If you made it this far. Cheers to you, have one without me! 🍻