8 weeks postpartum..

I am eight, almost nine weeks postpartum from an emergency c section and while at 6-7 weeks PP I felt fantastic and all healed up, now that I’m going on 9 weeks I am experiencing new pains.. In the middle of my csection only, it has begun to dip in a bit on the scar tissue, and has started to give a sort of “tugging” feeling that stings so bad it’s starting to put me in tears. It only happens with certain positions, but never any consistent positions or times.. its all random of when it will random give me the extreme pain. Now it’s being met with abdominal aching as well around the same area.. This is my first baby, first birth, first csection, so I’m clueless.. Is this a normal part of the healing process? Should I go back to doctor even though I was cleared at six weeks? Do I need to be worried about it getting worse or will this pass with time?