Baby born at 40weeks ! Induction
This birth was not what I expected. ( in a good way ) I will try to keep it as short as possible !
So I went in Wednesday to my 40 week appointment(due date was Thursday)
My NST readings were fine (NST twice a week due to protein found in blood that causes placenta from maturing)
Once my vitals were being taken my blood pressure was coming back a bit huge. I don’t recall the readings but they waited a few minutes in between and it wasn’t dropping. My doctors calls me in. Checks me, still at 1cm (has been for 2 weeks now). The doctor explains to me she would like to send me over to labor and delivery to get some blood work to rule out gestational hypertension. She also explained to me it was maybe a good time to be induced since Baby was already full term. ( I went into labor on my own with my first ). She went over the risks such as the chances of a c section. Explained the process and that it could possibly take up to 24hours. My husband had to start his baby bonding the next day so I agreed. I went in Wednesday night to get a fooley ballon inserted ( that hurt like a b****) I got sent home to rest. They said I might feel some contractions but that I would be able to sleep. I was to come back at 7am. Around 3am I woke up to some contractions that were not that strong. I was trying to go back to sleep but every time I would be waken up by a contraction. At first they were about 30 mins apart. I tried to sleep as much as I could but they kept getting closer and closer. At 6am I couldn’t take it anymore. They were coming 5 mins apart and was too painful to even stay in bed. I went in the shower and before I got out the balloon came out. We get to the hospital around 7:30am (my husband was taking his time ).
We get to the hospital get hooked up the monitors and my contractions were spacing out a bit but they still hurt. They had me in triage and we were waiting for a delivery room to open up. The doctor came in to check me. I was now at 3cm almost 4. She explained I was going to get hooked up to pitocin and they would slowly increase the dose. It was about 11:30am when we were finally placed in a room. The nurse hooks me up the monitor ( this was the only frustrating part), I was still getting contractions about every 10mins. I get hooked up to the pitocin. I sit in the room for 30 mins. The nurse comes in and I ask why the monitor is not working, since my contractions weren’t coming up. This lady says “ it won’t pick up little small contractions, only the bigger ones”. I give my husband the stink face. Like this lady really thought I was just pretending to be in pain ? I tell her the contractions are there and hurt and the monitor is not showing them. She tries to adjust them at this point I can see her face. She thought I was over reacting. At about 12:30 the pain was already unbearable and they were coming every 3 mins. I call her and ask for medication. She leaves and comes back. says the doctor doesn’t recommend it since it will make baby sleepy and would slow down the contractions. So I ask about the epidural. She says she doesn’t recommend to get it this early since it would most likely slow down the labor. At this point I look at her annoyed like “Wth am I supposed to do then ?”
She leaves and comes back. Says the doctor said i should get the epidural now and increase the pitocin. At this point I didn’t care. The pain was horrible. Worse than what I ever felt with my first. I get the epidural in by 1pm. I was pain free. I was trying to rest as much as I could for the pushing. My husband leaves to get lunch. I nap here and there. I wake up around 2:45 with really bad pain again. I call the nurse. I tell her I’m starting to feel the contractions again. She gives me a weird look. She hands over a remote to release another dose. She said press it every 15 mins. I do it twice and nothing. She calls the anesthesiologist. He was surprised to see me. He asked where I was feeling the pain. I pointed out way down in my lower abdomen. He smiles tells the nurse “ maybe she’s ready to have baby since she’s only feeling pain there”. The nurse quickly says “no. Not yet. It’s still too soon.” (Mind you i still had not been checked since I was admitted)
He gives me a whole new dose and says if that doesn’t work I’ll have to come back and redo the whole epidural.
They leave and I still feel some pain but not as bad. Right after I start feeling something in my vagina. And tell my husband to check. I checked myself and it felt gooey. He says he thinks it’s my waters. I call the nurse and she just puts up the sheet and says “ yes it’s your waters”
Okay and ????? Lol and she leaves.
10 mins the doctor comes in. Says she’s been busy with some c sections.
She checks me. As she’s doing her work I tell my husband “ hopefully we have her before midnight”.
Then doctor says “ wow momma. We’re ready ! You’re complete and I see baby’s head”
My and my husband were like what 😳😳
Funniest thing ever.
After I pushed twice and baby was coming on her own.
She was born on 08/15/2019
@ 3:27pm
She pushed herself out. She had her cord around her neck and was taking to the NICU right after. She was there for 12 hours then brought back to us.
No tear ! It was so quick.
Aside from the contractions I’ve gotta say it was pretty smooth. Nothing like my first labor.
She’s doing good for now. !
Anyway. Thanks for reading !!!
This was super long !!

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