Deployment questions, super worried please answer


My SO is in the army reserves and mentioned the possibility of getting deployed December 2020. The exact words of his batallion commander "everyone should assume they're going unless told otherwise", his company commander on the other hand said "yeah that's not happening (everyone going)". My SO said that there would be a more "official" list in 3 months in November of who is actually going but even that he said changes/updates pretty frequently. He also said he's technically not "qualified" yet because he was supposed to do a captains course thing (he's a 2nd lieutenant right now) and now has to wait until next summer to do it which only puts it a few months before the deployment.

So my questions are, is the batallion commander or company commander higher up? And how likely is it actually that he will go? I know it's over a year away but I'm stressing about it because we've never gone through a deployment before 😭