Spotting at 8w4d


So ladies Saturday morning I started spotting very lightly and didn’t think anything of it cause it stopped after a little bit then at night time I started spotting again and I called my dr she said as long as I wasn’t filling two pads a hour and I wasn’t cramping to not worry to just come in for a ultrasound Monday which is today! So fast forward I spotted a little yesterday and it seemed to clear up now again this morning I spotting more and it’s getting more red! Have any of you ladies had this and everything was okay I’m trying not to think the worst but it’s hard!

Update: so sadly I had a ultrasound and found out I was supposed to be having twins but we lost one! But the other baby had a fetal pull but is only measuring 6w2d so either I ovulated late or the baby is having a hard time growing! The dr sent me to the hospital for labs and I have to get a rhogam shot depending on the outcome of the labs! Ladies I’m asking please for all the prayers you can give that this second bean is a sticky one😔❤️

Update #2: okay so I got my levels drawn yesterday and they called me with results this morning my levels were 32,950 so at this point it’s looking like i ovulated later than expected and the bleeding I had was from the baby that didn’t make it or at least that’s what the nurse said! They said I had to go back in tomorrow at the same time to get my blood drawn again to make sure my levels were rising! So please keep praying for a sticky bean❤️