Prayer time!

🙏Dear Father, we thank you for being just that, our Father. How privileged we are to be daughters of the creator of the universe! Help us to realize the confidence we should have that we have a dad who owns everything. You love us deeply. No matter how bad we stray, You take us back like the prodigal son. Your grace, forgiveness, mercy, and love are beyond perfect. Where there is perfect love, there is no fear! You alone provide a peace which passes all understanding. Your Holy Spirit leads us and guides us into all truth. No matter what our circumstances are. We may plan our own path, but it is you who ultimately guides us as your word says. Dead bolt doors we should not open and lead us to doors only you can open. Let your joy be our strength. Whatever satan intends for evil, you will turn to good. We can count it joy anything we suffer bc it will be for our benefit. It is you alone o lord who is worthy to be praised! We thank you for the unimaginable blessings you have for us and answered prayers. In jesus name we pray amen.