When did I ovulate ?

Fertility friend says I ovulated on CD13, but I don’t think that’s right. I got my first positive surge on CD13 in the evening, then it was positive all day on CD14, then negative again on CD15. Also, we didn’t have sex on CD15 because I was feeling sick, but now I’m worried that’s going to hurt our chances of getting pregnant this month!

Also on CD15 and CD16 my breasts were extremely swollen and sore, which is usually what happens to me after I ovulate. I’m just baffled because my temperature didn’t go up until last night (between CD15 and CD16)

Also, on CD11 I went in for an ultrasound and my dominant follicle was measuring 18mm. My doctor said that women typically ovulate when the follicle is between 18-25mm, and they grow by 2mm every day, meaning that by CD14 my follicle would be 24mm and perfectly ready to release the egg. Do you think we had enough sex? Please help me!