alcoholism? stuck in college mode?

let me preface this by saying that I do not fully believe I am an alcoholic. I’m not taking this advice in any sort of medical/psychological way, just some friendly advice since I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this.

anyway, i just turned 22 and graduated from college this past may but am sticking around my college town since all of my friends are still here and I landed a pretty good job here after graduation. I also just really like the city I live in, and not just because it’s a college town.

i’ve noticed that since graduation, my friends are becoming less and less interested in drinking, whereas for me, it’s seemingly all I can think about. I feel like I have the most fun when i’m drinking, and it’s become almost a hobby.

in a typical week, i’ll go out anywhere from 1-3 times. however, most days of the week, i feel like i WANT to be drinking, even though i might not actually drink. a usual week’s worth of drinking can include going out for a drink with lunch/dinner, having a couple drinks and talking in a bar with friends, or a full blown drunken night out.

I don’t rely on alcohol to get through a day. I also do not feel like drinking affects my day to day life other than wanting to drink and getting sad/frustrated when my friends don’t. I have a full time, salaried job that I love and enjoy being at, I keep in contact with my family throughout the week, and I try to see my friends as often as we are able.

i’ve never been a sad, angry, or reckless drunk. i’ve never blacked out, vomited from drinking, or had a hangover. the worst thing i might do/want to do is kiss someone or have sex. drinking makes me about 100 times less self conscious, and I feel virtually invincible after a few drinks. sober me has no courage to talk to guys or make friends with a stranger, but drunk me can easily walk up to anyone and start a conversation. I thrive off of the adrenaline and energy that alcohol gives me.

my neighbors are 4 college guys, and are the typical frat/gym/bro type. I watch them do things like crack beers open on their heads, jump off the balcony, run around the backyard with no clothes on in the middle of winter, etc., and instead of thinking “omg that’s so immature and annoying” like my friends do, my thoughts tend to gravitate more toward “I literally want to be their best friend, that looks so fun.”

i’ve been feeling so frustrated lately because my friends don’t ever really want to go out any more. even if we do go out, i’m typically the most drunk of the group.

I enjoy doing other things like hiking, swimming, seeing movies, and just being around friends, but nothing is more fun to me than drinking.

I guess i’m just looking for any advice on how to get out of my “college kid” lifestyle and start acting like more of a mature adult since i’ve now graduated.