Telling the boss


You guys!!! Found out today we are pregnant and I’m so excited!!!! But I need advice...

I worked at a day care for two years and my husband and I tried conceiving for a year and got pregnant with twins. They are now 19 months. My boss wanted me back at 8 weeks and two days working I couldn’t do it! So I stayed home with our twins.

Well last Thursday I got rehired at the day care.... well we tested today and we got a positive! We thought since It took us a year before it’d take us at least a few months to get pregnant. We are so excited but my question is when do I tell my boss?

My pregnancy with the twins was super high risk so at 32 weeks I had to be done working way earlier than planned.

First off I want

To wait at least until I know if I am pregnant with a single or multiples .

But when would you tell your boss?