Moms who had babies with 10 pounds and above.

Did you have gestational diabetes?

So I passed the 1 hour sugar test when I was pregnant. But after my baby got so big by birth (11 pounds), the hospital told me to take a diabetes test when baby is 2 months to rule this out.

Someone close to me is a doctor and was telling him how I have a big appetite (I breast feed my LO exclusively) and he pointed out that drinking too much water and appetite are symptoms of diabetes. And that I should be checked. So made my an appointment for a checkup but Now I can't get it out of my head. I know this friend has the habit to think of the worst when you tell him how you feel physically. (Eg a headache could be a sign of tumor etc... ) But u know how it is, when someone tells you STH, you just start thinking about it more.

So wanna see the probably of how right he is. Could it be that I have diabetes?

I am thirsty, I have an appetite. And I crave sweet things. Ps. Before pregnancy I used not to even take sugar in tea. Am not yet at the level where I am craving chocolate but I do eat and enjoy more sweet snacks now.