I feel like a horrible mother

I always feel like such a horrible mother. Moms are the ones who are supposed to be so close with their kids and there for them as much as possible. I work full time in the healthcare field and most days go longer than intended. I'll usually be gone before she wakes up and home right before bed time. I feel like i never get to see my LO anymore. Lately I've had to pick up an extra day a week that I don't normally work due to being understaffed. My LO has been acting out since and I think thats why. I feel like I barely ever see her or spend time with her and when I do she's usually acting out and we both end up being frustrated and I don't know how to help her. I just feel like Im not able to be there for her as much as I should and Im afraid she feels like I don't love her or that she doesn't love me as much and it breaks my heart. I feel even more guilty because on my days off I'm either trying to catch up on errands and housework or am just too tired to do much else. We used to try to take her out and do one big fun thing every weekend but since I've been working extra and he works midnight shifts we haven't been able to do that. On top of all of this, we are TTC for baby number 2 and it makes everything even more stressful. The only reason I'm working so much and not able to he home is so we can save up some extra money so I can take some time off/ work less when we do finally get a BFP and baby is here....but I also don't want my LO to feel neglected now. Once baby #2 comes I plan to stay at home with them most of the time. If I do work it would be 3 days a week maximum.

Sorry for the long post but I don't have anyone else to talk to and really needed to get that off my chest. (only posted anonymously because I'm not sure if anyone I know uses this app and we are keeping being TTC on the DL)