Motherhood is testing me

My LO is only 19wks old and I already feel like a failure.

She’s going through Leap 4+ sleep regression which is majorly kicking our asses.

It’s been going on for close to a month now. Surviving on little sleep and dealing with a cranky baby in the day. I also work from home so I’m usually with her alone all the time. Plus I EBF.

I feel like it’s taken such a toll on me. Like last night I snapped and handed her to my husband and said ‘I can’t do this anymore’. She’d woken up for the fourth time in the span of 2 hours and was scream crying.

I don’t know if I’m depressed or exhausted. I just feel so guilty now. If I can’t handle this pressure and it’s only been 5 months, how am I going to raise a kid? How will I deal with temper tantrums and the teenage years?

I feel so overwhelmed and afraid right now.