Wishing for a girl

Please judgement free and just need advice 💕

My husband and I are trying for baby #2 and I want a girl so bad it hurts. Like literally every time I see a picture of a little baby girl my heart aches and sometimes I even get jealous of mamas with girls. I love my son so so much, but I’ve always wanted a girl. If you wanted a girl and had another boy how did you react and cope? I know it sounds l ridiculous and I’ll be grateful just for the chance to have another baby, but I can’t help but feel like I’m missing a little piece of me by not having a daughter 😔 I keep telling myself it’s okay if you don’t have a daughter it wasn’t meant to be then and I also recognize I’ll be somewhat devastated. Help mamas 😩

*I completely realize I will be lucky to even conceive again and I know so many women struggle I just need to vent!