
Forced myself out of bed right now, half asleep cause I’d been feeling shooting cramps around my belly and back paired with the feeling I was gonna poop

What feels like it had been happening for a good amount of time till I finally got up. Went to the toilet but no sign of poop just lots and lots of pressure. I dont know what’s going on. Should I time these?

Update: had my bloody show right after I posted this. L&D has called me in 🤞🏽 keep me and the baby in your prayers guys 💖

Went in and was under observation for 3hrs

As my dilation didn’t go over 3cm and neither was there a pattern between my contractions I was sent back home. They told me to look out for the 5-1-1 rule with my contractions or my water breaking. All a wait game now 🤷🏻‍♀️