I just need to throw myself a pitiparty real quick lol

I'm ab to vent about everything that isnt great in my life and imma promise myself that afterwards I'm gonna do my best to start thinking more positively about everything.

1.My boyfriend finds out next week if he's moving 9 hours away from me.

2.My family already doesnt really like my boyfriend so I'm sure they're going to be more than happy if he moves.

3.I have zero idea what I wanna major in.

4.I feel like I got to a certain weight and I settled and now I dont go to the gym anymore or eat good like I was.

5.My hair is stupid.

6.My face is always red because I have rosacea.

7.My face is always dry.

8.I lost my best friend and I'm not even really sad ab it, which makes me kinda sad lol.

I think I'm done. And I'm done worrying ab this stuff... one day at a time and I can probably find positives in all of this stuff if i try hard enough.. i know there are people worse off than i am.