Need advice.. his likes on Instagram!


So my bf and I have been dating for almost a year ( Dec is our 1 year). So far everything has been good with us but the thing that most bothers me is the amount of girls he follows on Instagram. Some are really really pretty. And Ik he’s been following them before we even got together, but he has followed a couple ( seems to me like a lot) these past 8 months as well as liking some of their pictures. I have asked him multiple time why he still likes pictures and follows more girls and he’s never really given me an exact response. Just yesterday we had an argument bc he has still been liking pictures and like always he has said that he will try not to do it again. It makes me feel really insecure and just really bad thoughts. My question is, should I care as much as I do or just don’t pay much attention? Also he doesn’t post me on Instagram only on snap chat.. I don’t think he’s cheating on me. I just really want him to stop liking pics and following girls.