Skipping Preschool

*UPDATE* y’all are making me feel so much better. Thank you for all your kind words and not judging me! I currently teach them everything they need to know and will continue to do so. 🙌

Anyone have any personal experience skipping preschool? Pros/cons?

We simply can’t afford it. We also aren’t eligible for childcare assistance. I currently stay home with the kids but even if I were to get a job, the salary wouldn’t makeup for what we’d pay for preschool/daycare and a babysitter. We live in SoCal and have 3 kids ages 4,3,1. I feel so guilty. Who lives in SoCal? What do you do for childcare/preschool options? Here are price ranges for one child. Also want to add our rent is $2300. Plus preschool we just can’t. 😭 public schools are mostly k-8/12.

There are nursery co-ops here but we’ve been on the waiting list for a year because it’s cheap (only $100 a month).