Too attached to my baby .


I had my baby girl 6 months ago she’s been sleeping in our bed no problem up until now . She’s starting to stretch out more and move more so I’m practically sleeping really low in the bed so I won’t interfere with her sleeping or my husbands . I want to put her in her own crib but I just can’t! I miss cuddling with her to sleep or when she’s fussing at night I just tap on her behind and she sleeps . She’s lately being falling asleep with a bottle instead of my rocking her to sleep and I feel like I wouldn’t be able to do that if I put her in her own crib . Then I get anxiety the “what if’s” what if she’s stops breathing what if she covers her face with her blanket etc. I get really sad thinking she needs her own crib to sleep it sounds silly but I’ll just miss her face when I first wake up in the mornings or I’ll miss holding her hand in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep . I’m getting to stressed over something so silly especially when baby #2 is coming. Any advice you ladies have to ease myself to letting her sleep alone ?