Would you consider this a stalker?

I went with my friend to a amusement park she had planned to meet a guy there she was talking to online. She met up with him and he brought a friend too. The whole time her and that guy were making out and I was stuck with his friend so I decided to make the best of it. We rode rides talked he wasn’t that bad we had fun. Then towards the end of the night when we said good bye he kissed me it was quick and kind of unexpected. The next day he added me on social media.

Then I looked at his page and he took pictures from my page and posted them on his calling me his girlfriend. He started sending me love poems and letters. I told him let’s just take it slow and be friends and get to know each other first.

We were all in high school and they lived 3 hours away. He would text everyday just simple hi, how are you, what did you do today type conversations.

The next month I met a guy and started dating him and that’s when the crazy came out. This guy freaked out and was acting like I’m cheating on him, I told him we were never boyfriend and girlfriend and I thought he knew that.

He stated posting really hatful quotes online and even some suicidal stuff. I felt terrible and tried to talk to him and explain I see him as a good friend. He didn’t take that very well.

Then he showed up at my house I wasn’t home and I have no idea how he figured out where I live, but my parent told me a guy named (his name) showed up and he was acting strange and wouldn’t tell my parent anything but to have you call him. My parents were very concerned and said he looked kinda crazy. I felt really unsafe I still couldn’t understand how this guy knew where I lived or why he would just show up without saying anything. I looked on his social media and he still had a bunch of post about “the bitch who broke his heart” I knew he was talking about me...