Car seat vs. Snap-n-go carriers?


Okay, so the last 2 or 3 BIG things I need to buy for my baby due in October is a stroller, car seat, and/or carrier.

I’m looking at Chicco brand in particular and am debating mainly between getting the Bravo stroller, which my local store is selling with their snap-n-go type carrier that works as both a car seat and newborn stroller.

To me this seems like the best option, especially for that first year of life, so if he falls asleep in the car, he can just be snapped right into the stroller.

My concern is about how safe IS the carrier as a car seat?

Or should I invest in their “9 stages” type car seat and get a stroller with no carrier?

The Bravo NORMALLY isn’t sold (where I live) with the carrier, instead it’s normally just the stroller itself and you have to buy the carrier separately. But my local shop is selling the Bravo + carrier for just a little more than the NextFit car seat ☝🏻.

The stroller alone, if I was to just buy the Bravo and leave out the carrier with it, cost the same as the NextFit.

But with the NextFit being a SPECIFIC car seat, is it safer than the carrier?

But obviously I give up the comfort of him falling asleep in the car and not having to worry about waking him (well, too much) during the transfer to the stroller if I go with the NextFit.

My biggest concern is safety.