Opal Mae 8/21/19


Brought our little gem into the world 8/21/19.

Opal Mae

7 pounds 1 ounce

19 3/4 inches long.

8:56 pm

Started pitocin at 10:30 am, by noon my water had broken and was dilated to a 6. I was hoping to go natural, but after my water broke the contractions went from tolerable to unbearable incredibly quickly. Around 3:30 received the epidural. 4:30/5 rolls around and the nurse asked me to guess how much I had dilated I guessed...she checked I was the full 10! They let me labor down until around 8 and then it was time to push. I wanted to give up so much I wasn't pepared for the pressure or the amount of pressure it would take! 8:56 and she was here. I had to have an episiotomy and I tore, but she's so worth it!