No one wants to follow my rules


So I have had trouble with some of my family mostly my in-laws with getting the TDAP shot and just my general rules that I want followed. It took 10 months to grow this perfect tiny human I’m not gonna risk someone that “just can’t help it” getting my baby sick or worse. So I made a nice little sign to put in the room after delivery 😉 and if they don’t wanna follow the rules then and there that’s fine, you just won’t hold her.

Xoxo Momma

SIDE NOTE: the only visitors we will have is close family and a few close friends maybe! I want everyone to be able to hold and love on my sweetie! I am not gonna bite someone’s head off for kissing the top of her head or if they just sanitized and didn’t not wash their hands. I like to joke and my whole family and in-laws know this so there is nothing about this sign that will upset anyone on either side. So if you don’t know me personally I understand why you think this might be rude but I promise you it’s not. This is just a reminder to please be careful💗